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Nervous About Childbirth? Consider These Encouraging Facts

Nervous About Childbirth? Consider These Encouraging Facts

As any woman who has ever given birth can tell you, there’s plenty to fret about when you’re pregnant. Are you doing all the right things for your baby, like eating well, resting, exercising sensibly, and getting regular prenatal care? And as the big day approaches, additional worries will likely enter your mind, like how you’ll tolerate labor and what will happen if any complications arise.

The Lake Havasu OB/GYN Care team is here to put your mind at ease. During Dr. Kevin Hooker’s rich years of experience, he’s managed every type of birth imaginable. His priority is not only to provide the best care before your baby arrives, but to see you through your birth experience and beyond. 

Dr. Hooker offers a wide range of services in addition to pregnancy and childbirth-related care, and he provides care for women experiencing both routine and high-risk pregnancies

There’s a lot of reassuring news when it comes to childbirth

Dr. Hooker is happy to report that simply expressing any worries you have about childbirth during your prenatal appointments can start to relieve them. He’s here to answer all of your questions you have about your upcoming birth. Here are concerns that he hears about frequently from our patients:

1. Worries about childbirth pain

It’s only natural, especially if you’re a first-time mom, to seriously wonder whether your body can actually do this thing!

But rest assured, your body was designed to give birth, and even if you end up needing medical intervention while in labor, we’re here to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Almost 3.5 million women gave birth last year, and you can too!

For example, if you end up needing assistance with pain, Dr. Hooker offers multiple pain relief options:

If you’re concerned about how comfortable you’ll be in the surroundings you’ll give birth in, a hospital birthing area tour can be arranged. In short, there are many things we can do to address your pain and comfort-related concerns, and the key is maintaining open communication about your preferences.

2. Concerns about length of labor

Dr. Hooker also has solutions if your labor ends up being long and arduous. The average length of labor is eight hours, and even though we all know that birth can take much less time or many more hours than hoped for, breathing techniques that you learn in childbirth class can assist the labor process and help you manage discomfort. 

Remember that you get a break in between contractions — labor isn’t continuous, constant pain. 

Some things you can do to help your labor progress are to change positions, walk around, or get into warm water. 

Another option if labor stalls is Pitocin, a medication that causes your uterus to contract and accelerate dilation. 

3. Fear of needing a C-section

There are many reasons a woman in labor may require a C-section, and sometimes the decision is made quickly. But nearly 32% of births are C-section deliveries

Talking to Dr. Hooker about the reasons why a C-section might be necessary, from labor that isn’t progressing to birthing multiples, will help calm your fears. 

A C-section is a frequently performed procedure, takes on average 45 minutes, and you receive regional anesthesia, so you’re awake and fully present for your baby’s birth.

4. Anticipating the unexpected

You’ve probably taken time to think about what your preferences are for your birth, from whether you want medication during labor to who you want in the birthing room with you. You can even think about music you’d like to listen to while you’re in labor, or bring some lavender essential oil to calm you. 

These preferences are usually spelled out in your birth plan, but the best approach as you near your due date is to maintain a flexible attitude. Don’t consider your birth plan as set in stone, as there are too many variables that can change once you’re in labor, so being able to go with the flow is important. 

5. Consider Dr. Hooker your ally

With Dr. Hooker supporting and caring for you, you’ll go into your birth experience well informed, comforted, and ready. 

In addition to providing extraordinary prenatal care, he encourages you to practice self-care while you’re pregnant. Eat well, get exercise and good rest, and don’t hesitate to contact him when a question or concern arises — it’s perfectly normal.

The birth of your baby should be one of the most joyous occasions of your life. It’s only natural to feel nervous, but know that the Lake Havasu OB/GYN Care team is dedicated to your care and comfort.

Call our office to schedule an appointment or request one online through our website.

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