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Don’t Let Menopause Ruin Your Sex Life: Try MonaLisa Touch®️

Menopause can be a challenging transitional time in a woman’s life. Common symptoms women experience with menopause include hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and urinary incontinence.

And one of the most troubling aspects of menopause is its effects on your sex life. Many women experience symptoms such as vaginal dryness, painful sex, and thinning of your vaginal tissues during menopause — symptoms of a common condition kown as vaginal atrophy. Some women even experience reduced libido. Fortunately, Kevin Hooker, MD, at Lake Havasu OB/GYN Care offers MonaLisa Touch®️ treatment, which can help you enjoy sex again.

Why your sex life changes after menopause

After menopause, your hormone levels change. Women have lower levels of progesterone — which affects your menstrual cycle — as well as estrogen and testosterone. These hormones contribute to many aspects of female health, including your sexual function.

Estrogen is the key hormone that provides vaginal lubrication and keeps your vaginal walls from thinning. Without it, you can experience more painful intercourse.

Testosterone isn’t just a male hormone. Women also have testosterone, but in lower amounts. As levels of this hormone decline during menopause, your interest in sex may wane as well.

Conventional treatments for menopause and your sex life

Most conventional treatments for menopause attempt to treat your symptoms. The two main options include vaginal lubricants and hormone replacement.

Personal lubricants can replace the natural lubrication your younger body used to provide. While this can make sex more comfortable, it also doesn’t always work. Some women still experience discomfort such as chafing, even when using artificial lubricants.

Hormone replacement is another common conventional treatment. However, this option is not acceptable for all women. Estrogen replacement may increase breast cancer risks, especially in women who are already at high risk. Hormone replacement therapy may be linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Why MonaLisa Touch is a better alternative

MonaLisa Touch is an advanced laser made by Cynosure. This fractionated laser technology helps women manage several aspects of their gynecological health. For example, a decline in estrogen levels leads to vaginal dryness, and MonaLisa Touch treatment helps women in menopause by relieving that dryness. 

A great benefit is that MonaLisa Touch doesn’t require a lot of time to achieve results. Most women only need two or three 5-minute sessions about six weeks apart. The results tend to be cumulative, with most women experiencing maximum results 6-12 weeks after the final procedure.

How MonaLisa Touch works

The MonaLisa Touch system works differently from other types of treatments. The fractionated CO2 laser is both gentle and powerful. It heats up the vaginal tissue without causing damage to your vaginal walls. A probe inserted in the vagina delivers the laser energy, and most women find it to be completely painless. 

As hormone levels decline, your vaginal tissue loses thickness, tone, and elasticity. MonaLisa Touch works by stimulating your body to produce more collagen and elastin — both are essential in keeping your vaginal tissues supple. This treatment helps revive your vagina’s thickness, retaining its ability to produce mucus for lubrication and regulating its pH balance.

When you’re experiencing menopause, your sex life doesn’t have to suffer. MonaLisa Touch can be the hormone-free solution you need. When you’re ready to give MonaLisa Touch a try, call Dr. Hooker today in our Lake Havasu City, Arizona, office, or make an appointment online.

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